All posts by AKMI

H R Workshop on 8/03/2014

A full day workshop was organised by AKMI on 08/03/2014 at Ashirwad, Bangalore.

Around 20 MFI staff were participated in the workshop. The workshop lead by Ujjivan Financial Services Pvt Ltd.,
Following presenter were presented their themes:

  1. Mr Vittal Rangan from Ujjivan:- Recruiting Right Profile and Employee Engagement – Background Verification.
  2. Mr Thrishuli from Janalakshmi:- Recruitment Best practices
  3. Mr Rambabu and Mr Amritesh from GFSPL:- Performance appraisal process
  4. Mr Chandrasekhar from FFSL:- Employee retention methodology

Interaction session was arranged for all participants and it was very –useful finally It was decided to have next H R Workshop July-2014 or August-2014
Topics for next workshops:-

  • Incentives to employees
  • Labor Laws- PF Matters
  • any other HR topics, before finalising the date of meeting.

F L P at Haveri on 01/02/2014

All member mfis, who are operating at Haveri participated in the event Around 500 customers attended the event. Shri Anjanappa, CEO-ZP, Shri Shirur, President- HDCCI, Shri Umesh, LDM- Vijaya Bank, Haveri, Shri N M Patil, MD- IDF and Shri Nagendra Mali, MD- Navachetana Microfinance have attended the event. All AKMI HO staff from Bangalore participated in the event. The event was started with registration of clients of mfis. Sankalp, a CD of effects of multiple borrowing/s and re-lending have shown to the clients before event starts. Event was started with prayer and lighting lamp. all the dignitaries spoke about the importance of MFI loans, advantages by repaying the loan.

During the event launched the AKMI Haveri District grievance redessal cell. This cell works on staff behavior, higher rate of interest charging by MFIs.
After lunch there was feedback session with MFI staff. Many staff expressed their opinion/ suggestions to improve the quality of event.
Event was grand success.


F L P at Shimoga on 14/12/2013

Event was inagurated by Mr Mani S, Deputy Secretary, ZP office, Shimoga,
The Chief guests were:

  • Mr R C Patil, Lead Dist Manager, Canara Bank, Shimoga
  • Mr Raghavendra, DDM, NABARD
  • Mr Bhardwaj, Ex-president SDCCI-Shimoga
  • Mr Shyam Prasad, Joint Secretary, FKCCI- Bangalore
  • Mr Anand Rao, Treasurer, AKMI
  • Mr K J Morab, CEO- AKMI
  • Mr B M Pamadi, Ombudsman, AKMI
  • were presented on the dais. Around 650 MFI clients from different
  • mfis were participated and got benefit of the event.


The event was grand success.

Workshop on IT Matters on 09/11/2013

As per suggestion in 6th AKMI AGM, AKMI conducted its 2nd workshop on Information Technology matters.

On 09th Nov 2013, the workshop was conducted on IT Matters at Janalakshmi Financial Services Pvt Ltd., Bangalore. Around 25 participants were actively participated in the workshop. Workshop orgnaised by AKMI and heads of 3 MFIs i.e. Mr Deepak Ayyer, from Ujjivan, Mr Sathynarayan Badida from Janalakshmi and Mr Arun Kumar from Grameenkoota were taken the lead. Head of the IT dept were shared and clarified many clarifications of Participants and in the workshop Mr Ram from Future Financial Services Ltd., presented their way of tracing the field staff at time of field level operation by using GPRS.


H R workshop at Ujjivan Office on 26/10/2013

It was decided in 6th AKMI AGM held on 26th Sep 2013 at Citadel Hotel- Bangalore to arrange different workshops based on the requirement especially on HR Matters, Fund rising and mobilisation, IT matters, Audit and Fraud Control, Statutory Compliance, CSR etc.

On 26th Oct 2013, the workshop was conducted on HR Matters at Ujjivan Financial Services Pvt Ltd., Bangalore. Around 30 participants were actively participated in the workshop and got benefit out of it. Workshop hosted by AKMI and heads of 3 MFIs i.e. Mr Vittal Rangan, from Ujjivan, Mr Thrishuli from Janalakshmi and Mr Amruthesh Shukla from Grameenkoota were taken the lead. Head of the HR dept were shared their own experiences along with several presentations which may using by them and useful to the participants.

There was very good interaction with participants and presenters. AKMI has received many compliments and suggestions to conduct this type of workshop in once in quarter.


F L P at Chamarajanagar on 24/08/2013

Financial Literacy Program was arranged in association with Chamarajanagar District Chamber of Commerce and Industries (CDCCI). Around 800 customers from different MFIs were participated in the program. Mr Jayasimha, member of CDCCI were inaugurated function. Mr K J Morab, CEO-AKMI, Mr Basavaraj Hiremath, AVP-Spandana, Mr Shyam Prasad, Joint Secretary-FKCCI and Mr B M Pamadi, Ombudsman-AKMI participated and gave valuable speech to clients of MFIs.

Chikkaballpaur Financial Literacy Program

Association of Karnataka MFIs launch Customer Grievance Cell at Chikkaballapur

700 MFI customers attended financial literacy program and debate microfinance issues.
On 07th July 2012: AKMI (Association of Karnataka Microfinance Institutions) has conducted Financial Literacy Awareness Program and Opened the Customer Grievances Redressal Cell . The main aim of the event was to bring financial awareness  among the Microfinance customers of Chikkaballapur Dist and also to opened customer grievances redressal cell at

Ujjivan Financial Services Pvt Ltd,
#431/1, 1st Floor, 2nd cross, Jaibheema Nagar,
Near Govt. 1st grade College, MG Road Cross,
The event was inaugurating by Sri S Sundaresh, LDM, Chikkaballapur other dignitaries was attended the program.

Sri Vivekanand Salimath, Chairman, AKMI said “This is a unique initiative undertaken by the microfinance sector in any state around the country. It reiterates our commitment to provide outstanding service to the poor and the underprivileged” and explained about the MFIs in Karnataka

A Grievances Redressal Officer, under AKMI, will attend to customer complaints and co-ordinate with the respective MFI(s). Serious problems would be escalated to the AKMI Governing Council.

Sri Samith Ghosh, Vice-Chairman, AKMI explained the position of MFIs in India and Karnataka in Specific.

Nearly 700-strong customers of various MFIs operating in Chikkaballapur attended financial literacy awareness program and provided their views and feedback on the functioning of MFIs and the Credit Bureau. A skit on the dangers of falling into the trap of loan commission agents was presented.

The nature of customer grievances that would be addressed by AKMI will include: staff misbehavior, charging of interest higher than stipulated rate or any unreasonable delay or denial of microcredit. AKMI already runs a toll-free helpline for customers of all MFIs operating in Karnataka. Customers and potential borrowers can call Chikkaballapur Grievances Redressal no: 08156-272077 and they can call BSNL toll-free number 1800 425 5654 at AKMI Head office, Bangalore for addressing their grievances and complaints.
