Audit Workshop on 20.02.2015

Audit Workshop was held on 20.02.2015 at Ashirwad, Bangalore.
Shri K J Morab, CEO, AKMI welcomed all the participants and all the participants were introduced.
- 32 members from various mfis have participated in the workshop.(32 +3 from AKMI =total 35)
- Experts from GKFSL, UJJIVAN and Janalakshmi and Equitas were resource persons.
- The following topics covered in the Audit workshop.
- Identification, control, monitoring of risk, Prioritize the risk, and role of Internal Audit. PPT presented by Shri ‘Biju peter from Janalakshmi Mfi
- Audit case studies: PPT Presented by Shri Prakash from GKFSPL
- Audit system at Ujjivan: Presented by Shri Sekhar from Ujjivan.
- Risk audit and internal audit: Procedure followed at Equitas Mfi presented by Shri Sridhar, Head, operational Risk, Equitas
- Ombudsman activities and process by Shri Pamadi, Ombudsman AKMI
It was decided to conduct the next audit workshop by May end/ June 1st week of 2015.
The following topics will be discussed in the next workshop.
- Automation of risk auditing – to be presented by Shri Sambandamurthy, FFSL
- Various risk factors from recruitment to risk mitigation- to be presented by Ms. Tanushree, Nirantara