Attended SLBC Meeting on 01.12.2014

AKMI CEO attended 129th SLBC meeting at Vidhan Soudha, Bengalore. Mr Koushik Mukharjee, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka and Smt. Latha Krishna Rao, Additional Chief Secretary, and Development Commissioner, GoK attended the meeting. Smt Uma Shankar, Regional Director, Reserve Bank India and Mr Chintala, CGM Nabard participated. The following were the discussions and deliberations.
- The major discussion was on P M J D yojana.
- There are 95.4 lakhs house hold in Karnataka out of which77.5 lakhs survey is completed – 88% survey is completed. Remaining to be completed on or before 25-1-15 3)DK ,KODAGU and Chickmagalur completed 95% and Mandya Koppal and Chamarajnagar are less than80% 4)Karnataka Govt has introduced 3 new schemes a)Rajeev Gandhi -educational loans to students-interest free loans-scholarships. b) Krishi Bhagya-rain water harvesting-80% subsidy (General) from Horticulture dept and for SC STs 90% subsidy. Taking 5 Talukas at a time. c) SMEs for new projects–1000 unemployed youths to be covered in 14–15.Bankers were requested to involve in these schemes.
- 20000–JLG targets given to banks .So for achieved 9000/– (55%) remaining to be achieved by March .Nabard will pay Rs 2000/ per group, for formation of JLG groups.
- Smt Lata Krishna RAO expressed some of the practical problems in PMJD yojana.
a) Multiple account opening in one family–Survey is to be checked. b) Bankers adjusting the subsidy to another existing loan account’s) Minority community S B accounts are not opened by Bankers. Credit Limit given to B C s are very less. Fate of dormant accounts.
5. SL BC to take up these matters with central Govt –finance dept.
6. Linkage of ADHAR in Mysore Tumkur Dharwad at 98% remaining Dist are slow.
7. Pomegranate and Grapes crops are affected in Karnataka, Bankers are requested to raise to the occasion and assist the farmers.
8. APMCs in Karnataka started Electronic Markets.155 such markets are already functioning.
9. Smt Umashankar informed that the C D ratio in Karnataka is not satisfactory,-DK UK Udupi dists are pulling down the CD ratio of Karnataka.
10. Mr Chintala CGM Nabard informed that out of 30 Dist –16 Dists have not achieved AGRI targets due to natural calamities .Term loans to be encouraged.