AKMI National Seminar on 09 Feb 2012
AKMI in association with FKCCI bangalore has conducted one seminar on 09th Feb 2012 at Hotel Lalith Ashok, Bangalore on the subject FINANCIAL INCLUSION CONVERGENCE OF EFFORTS.
The seminar focused on:
- Measure achievement of financial inclusion and roles played by different stakeholders
- Identify bottle necks in achieving financial inclusion and best practices to overcome
- Examine the roles played by MFIs in financial inclusion and scope for the expansion of their efforts
- Enumerate the benefits of providing supportive regulatory frame work to MFIs to bring about financial inclusion by enacting Micro Finance Bill
The occasion was graced by Dr. VeerendraHeggade, Dharmadhikari, ShriKshetraDharmasthala and the Hon’ble Rural development and Panchayat Raj minister Shri jagadeesh Shetter.. The seminar was supported by Sa -Dhan and MFIN.
Representatatives from all MFIS in Karnataka ,Executives from Sa-Dhan and MFIN , various GOVT officials , Executives from SIDBI Nabard attended the seminar and it was a grand success